We can create a
classified website to bring buyers and sellers together
for used items

similar to GumTree or Craigslist. This will allow you to earn money as a middleman on sales of a wide range of items, including antiques, properties, artwork, carpets, cars, and more.

Why is this such a good business idea? and How can I make money from my classified website?

Niche recommendation 1 out of 30
Read More
Vintage Rolex watches classified website
Niche recommendation 2 out of 30
Read More
Antique Persian rugs classified website
Niche recommendation 3 out of 30
Read More
Arabian horses classified website
Niche recommendation 4 out of 30
Read More
Properties classified website
Niche recommendation 5 out of 30
Read More
Exclusive designer handbags classified website
Niche recommendation 6 out of 30
Read More
Collectible sports memorabilia classified website
Niche recommendation 7 out of 30
Read More
Boats classified website
Niche recommendation 8 out of 30
Read More
Classic cars classified website
Niche recommendation 9 out of 30
Read More
Champion dogs classified website
Niche recommendation 10 out of 30
Read More
Exclusive designer dresses classified website
Niche recommendation 11 out of 30
Read More
Handcrafted products classified website
Niche recommendation 12 out of 30
Read More
Handmade swiss watches classified website
Niche recommendation 13 out of 30
Read More
Rare antique coins classified website
Niche recommendation 14 out of 30
Read More
Handcrafted silver jewelry classified website
Niche recommendation 15 out of 30
Read More
Rare vintage wines classified website
Niche recommendation 16 out of 30
Read More
Caravans classified website
Niche recommendation 17 out of 30
Read More
Designer sunglasses classified website
Niche recommendation 18 out of 30
Read More
Unique & antique cars classified website
Niche recommendation 19 out of 30
Read More
Prefab homes classified website
Niche recommendation 20 out of 30
Read More
Hand-carved wooden furniture classified website
Niche recommendation 21 out of 30
Read More
Rare gemstone jewelry classified website
Niche recommendation 22 out of 30
Read More
Handbags made from exotic materials, classified website
Niche recommendation 23 out of 30
Read More
Artwork classified website
Niche recommendation 24 out of 30
Read More
Antiques classified website
Niche recommendation 25 out of 30
Read More
High-end bicycles classified website
Niche recommendation 26 out of 30
Read More
Auto parts classified website
Niche recommendation 27 out of 30
Read More
Agricultural machinery classified website
Niche recommendation 28 out of 30
Read More
Trucks classified website
Niche recommendation 29 out of 30
Read More
Hand-carved stone sculptures classified website
Niche recommendation 30 out of 30
Read More
Industrial machinery classified website

How much money can I make with my classified Website?

What features will you add to my classified website to make it unique?

Pricing Tables, Upgrades, Memberships & More!

Your website, your rules! Setup both free or paid listings with optional add-ons such as featured, homepage and sponsored ads.

Classified Ad Management

Manage all user classifieds via the admin area. Turn on/off admin approval. Update user details, help them add photos etc. It's quick and easy.

Custom Search Filtering

We have one of the most powerful search systems on the market - Ajax search with advanced custom filters.

Map/Zipcode Search

See nearby users with distance from their current location. Zipcode, postal code searchs all included.

We connect your website to 24 social media platforms to bring more traffic to your website

Including: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Reddit, TikTok, LinkedIn, Tumblr, Pinterest, Snapchat, Telegram, Medium, Line, Quora, Viber, Flickr, QQ, VKontakte, Taringa, Vimeo, WeChat, Ezine articles, Imgur and Dailymotion.

The Most Advanced Admin Area Toolset Ever!

By far the most complete set of admin area tools on the market. Fun and easy to use, the admin area includes everything you need to build and manage a successful classifieds website.

Photo Galleries, Videos, YouTube, Music & More!

Give your users more choice. This classifieds theme has built-in support for multiple images, user videos, music & audio, YouTube and more!

Extra revenue from Advertising System

You can set up custom ad spots on your website, allowing visitors to purchase advertising directly from you. Alternatively, you can use Google AdSense to get paid for each click on banner ads that originate from your website.

100% Responsive Website Design

Your classifieds website will be fully responsive and look beautiful on all user devices.

Dedicated Members Area With Upgrade & Stats

Wow your members with our powerful members area setup. Users can login anytime to manage their classifieds listings, update profile details, change photos, pay for invoices and lots more!


your website will include a free, basic chatroom to get you started, so that users can communicate.

Admin Area

Website management is a breeze with our built-in admin pages. As the website owner you get access to lots of amazing tools to help you manage members, track orders and monetize your website.

Built-in Payments & Checkout System

We have a built-in checkout system allowing seamless integration between your website and user payment.

send a request so we can start building your classified Website

Are you ready to start? 

Here are some examples:

How much does it cost to own a classified website?

Package 1: £390

Basic & Limited


⚪ Number of people or sellers who can join your classified website and create profiles to list items: 20

⚪ Can visitors signup for membership packages: ✖️

⚪ Map, zipcode, or postcode search: ✖️

⚪ Custom search filtering so users can find each other based on their preferences: ✖️

⚪ Connected to 24 social media platforms to bring traffic to your website: ✖️

⚪ Custom ad spots on your website to make money from google ad sense: ✖️

⚪ Your own brand and Logo: ✖️

⚪ Desktop version: ✔️

⚪ Mobile version: ✖️

⚪ Tablet version: ✖️

⚪ Chatroom so that users can communicate: ✖️

⚪ Admin area: ✔️

⚪ Dedicated members Area With Upgrade & Stats: ✖️

⚪ Access to manage all user profiles via the admin area: ✖️

⚪ Built-in payments & checkout system: ✖️

⚪ Full ownership of your website: ✔️

⚪ How fast we can build your online store: 1 to 5 days

⚪ Search engine optimization, to give you a better chance of being found on google search: ✖️

⚪ Training on how to use your website and admin panel: instruction booklet

⚪ Free domain name and web hosting: ✔️

⚪ Access to Marketing secrets, ideas, tips, and tricks: ✖️

Package 2: £590

Professional & Unlimited


⚪ Number of people or sellers who can join your classified website and create profiles to list items: Unlimited

⚪ Can visitors signup for membership packages: ✔️

⚪ Map, zipcode, or postcode search: ✔️

⚪ Custom search filtering so users can find each other based on their preferences: ✔️

⚪ Connected to 24 social media platforms to bring traffic to your website: ✔️

⚪ Custom ad spots on your website to make money from google ad sense: ✔️

⚪ Your own brand and Logo: ✔️

⚪ Desktop version: ✔️

⚪ Mobile version: ✔️

⚪ Tablet version: ✔️

⚪ Chatroom so that users can communicate: ✔️

⚪ Admin area: ✔️

⚪ Dedicated members Area With Upgrade & Stats: ✔️

⚪ Access to manage all user profiles via the admin area: ✔️

⚪ Built-in payments & checkout system: ✔️

⚪ Full ownership of your website: ✔️

⚪ How fast we can build your online store: 1 to 5 days

⚪ Search engine optimization, to give you a better chance of being found on google search: ✔️

⚪ Training on how to use your website and admin panel: instruction booklet

⚪ Free domain name and web hosting: ✔️

⚪ Access to Marketing secrets, ideas, tips, and tricks: ✔️

send a request so we can start building your classified Website

Are you ready to start?